Sunday 30 October 2011


The Third Step..............

Spend a few minutes to write down things you can do effortlessly.
If you’re stuck for things to write you may want to its get some feedback from people close to you such as family and friends who usually will be able to see things about you that you are not able to see in yourself.

These feedbacks may make you  realise that you have a natural talent for organising, or you are creative in the way you colour coordinate and present the outfits that you wear or have a calming voice that makes  people feel at ease, have a wonderful sense of humour or people always feel listened to when they speak to you etc... 

These are your gifts; they come easy and naturally without having to spend hours of time in study. Some people are gifted in Sewing, Art, Maths or Music. But giftings don't have to be conventional. For instance you can be a gifted teacher, gifted listener, gifted cook or even be gifted in making people laugh.
You are meant to use these gifts to serve your Life Purpose!

Saturday 22 October 2011


The Second step to finding your purpose..........

Write down a list of names of people that you respect and look up to. Next to the names write why you feel that way about them. For example, you might admire Nelson Mandela for standing up for what is right and being prepared to sacrifice his  youth for a cause he believed in .

These role models don't actually have to be some one famous but can someone who you have  know personally or have been acquainted with. These people have qualities that you truly admire.They could be past teacher, a neighbour a friend, a family member an activist etc. The real reason you are attracted to these qualities are because you aspire to be more like them, These aspirations are part of your purpose. Make it your to mission in life to always move to becoming, to improving, so you too can be looked up to by your community, the youth, your neighbours etc 

In order to become these qualities you admire in your role model there are steps you must take these are known as your Actions!  

Sunday 16 October 2011


The first step to finding your purpose..........

Write down list of the things that you really enjoy doing, or some thing you would do as a hobby

 Reflect about your present work if your working, any volunteer role you may have had in the past, your hobbies and list the things you really like about them.

Now if you were rich, basically you had no need to worry about money, what things would you do with your time? Write them your down and add them to your first list.  This final list represents your passions; the things that make you happy when you are doing them. They give you a buzz and drive your energy

Look out for step two in my next entry........